A Cardigan for Arwen KAL

The Knit-Along for A Cardigan for Arwen by Kate Gilbert from Interweave Knits, Winter 2006. Come join the Fellowship!

Friday, December 07, 2007

Almost done with the hood!

I've been faithfully working on the sweater, working at least 3 or 4 rows every day, and I'm now only 10 rows away from being done!!

Now a question for anyone that put a zipper in the front of this (or more appropriately, DID anyone do that?)

How did you stitch it in? By hand? Did you do anything else special to that front edge before you did?

Would love to hear about anyone else's experience with this before I just dive in!


At 12/07/2007 2:52 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

I did not put a zipper in mine, but am very interested in reading your adventures of how you do this. I would like to add zippers to some of my future cardigans. I remember Grumperina wrote some good stuff about this on her blog once.


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