I'm trying to remember to take a picture every time I reach the end of a skein, so I can document my progress without having to do battle with a lot of long hangy-bits, especially since we have a very playful new kitten. So here you can see the waist shaping, the cable, the seed-stitch border, and the short-rows on the sleeve. Sorry about the curl. The sleeve looks quite short; I think the cabled cuff will be just below my elbow, which is good because it won't dangle in the dishwater or anything.
I'm knitting this cardigan as well, (coincidentally in damn near the same colour you are) and I'm stuck. I don't understand what to do next in the pattern. Can you help?
I've completed the back panel and moved on to the Left Front, Sleeve and Hood. I'm done all the way to "Sleeve" - where the instructions ask you to CO 90 sts onto larger straight needle.
I've done that, but am totally lost beyond that. It says "with yarn attached to end of new stitches" - and that's where I don't understand where I'm going or what I'm doing. Any suggestions?
Umm, yeah, but if you haven't gotten too far, can I just mention that grafting the sleeve seam with those backward-loop cast-on stitches will be fairly hellish, and if you can stand it, I would back up and do a provisional crochet cast-on: Eunny Jang has instructions for that here, scroll down to Invisible Crochet Cast On I. From there, you can knit a right-side row across the front, place a marker, and then just continue knitting across the provisional cast-on stitches.
If not, then: um, let's see, you were knitting across the front, and you broke the yarn at the end of a knit row, yeah? Then you did a backward-loop cast-on for 90-some stitches? Right, so the yarn you now have to work with, at the end of the row of cast-on stitches, is the "yarn attached to end of new stitches."
Okay, now hold the front-piece with the wrong side facing you in your left hand, put a marker on the right-hand needle (the one with the cast-on stitches), and purl across the front-piece.
Does that make sense? You cast on the stitches, and then instead of turning and knitting back across those stitches, you continue across the bit you've already knit.
Whew, this is hard to explain just in writing. Let me know if it doesn't make sense and I'll try to think of another way to put it.
Also, good luck!
Ooops, correction! Those were instructions for the right-front, which is where I am now. Ack, sorry!
So, if you do the provisional cast-on, then you knit along the provisional cast-on until you reach the end, and instead of turning, continue across the left-front stitches.
If you do the backloop cast-on, it's more or less the same. Backward-loop 90-some stitches, and then continue knitting across the left-front. Feel free to ask for clarification, and I'm sorry I gave you the wrong-side instructions before.
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